Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm in bout' you?

After 10 hours, 5 stops, and finally finding a spot to park on 88th between Madison and Park, we are in NYC safely...and exhausted.

Rehearsals start promptly at 10am on Monday, so that means I have tomorrow and Sunday to help get Sarah and Toby familiar with the city, walk the upper east side, find a garage to park the car, and of course, have a slice of pizza.

As I crossed the George Washington Bridge around 6:30pm, it finally hit me that the biggest adventure of my life is starting and this could be the most amazing experience in my life. I feel blessed that Sarah gets to share it with me.

So dear reader, keep checking the webpage and feel free to send me emails every once in awhile to let me know how *you* are doing.

Until later...


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