Random Musings (Oct.4)
random thoughts:
i realized today after the Donnie/Stosh car scene that i have really gotten a lot of the contents of the blood packet into my throat...
you see the problem is i have to hold the blood packet deep into my right cheek so by the time we get through the scene with all of the dialogue, i have amassed a pretty sizeable amount of spit in my mouth; so by the time i break the packet, it mixes with my saliva and runs pretty freely down my throat.
the worst part is i have no idea what's in the packet. i assume it's some sort of corn syrup with some sort of food coloring, but it tastes pretty much how it looks. it tastes "dark and red".
so if i figure that if about a teaspoon of "blood" goes into one of those packets, and if 6 teaspoons equals 1 fluid ounce, and if 33 fluid ounces equal 1 liter...that means that after about six months in the show (about 200 shows), i essentially am drinking half of a 2 liter bottle of soda that you would buy at the store...but filled with stage blood.
i should find out exactly what the hell is going into my system.
i am horrible at blogging nowadays. but i also sleep a whole hell of a lot less and am working my ass off...so sorry about that but i guess it is what it is.
i don't think i can (or will) promise to do better at blogging.
but i'll try, i promise (i'm lying).
the Chicago company celebrated their 1,000th show last week. that is 1,000 shows since the first public performance that the cast made back in San Fransisco when it opened there after the first national cast left for LA and before they moved onto Chicago.
what an amazing experience i have had being able to celebrate all these milestones with all of these different companies i have been a part of.
it's also amazing to me that i have been a part of three different companies with this show. Tour, Broadway and now Chicago; all so similar and yet completely different. I'd really like to do a show in Vegas so I can say I have done every North American company...
...or they can just send me to Australia for a few weeks.
at intermission, everyone pretty much hangs out in the wardrobe room. not only because the wardrobe staff is freaking awesome, but because there is always so much junk food to eat.
today there were brownies, three different bags of chips/crackers and a birthday cake.
it's like a damn pot luck 8 shows a week and i can't stop eating...!
yet i have lost over 10 pounds.
so should i have more cake?
i hated living in NYC but i can't tell you how badly i miss that city right now. i miss my friends in the Broadway cast so much and i want to see them right now. i miss going to a broadway show. i miss the really good halal cart on 56th and 6th. i even miss the subway a little bit.
a few weeks ago i went with some cast members to this place called Stanley's Kitchen & Tap for a few drinks and, more importantly, for LIVE BAND KARAOKE!!!
they have an amazing live band, and as you would sign up at any other bar to sing for a crowd, you do it with a live band and it's unreal. i want to go back soon because i have not stopped thinking about how much fun i had.
i sang "Baba O' Riley" by The Who and "Everlong" from Foo Fighters and it made me feel just like i used to feel when i sang with my band back in college...
did any of you reading this knew i was in a band for seven years or that i recorded six albums with them...?
anyway - here's me singing The Who song - please excuse the poor video/sound quality:
my daughter is the most adorable baby in the entire world. i look at her and i can't stop smiling. all i want to do is make her laugh and make stupid faces at her and for her to think her daddy is the silliest daddy in the world.
i go outside to do an errand for a few minutes and i walk back in the room and she turns her head to look at me and starts grinning from ear to ear and repeats the babbling of words, "ha da, da da, da da" - which obviously means "hello daddy! look it's daddy! i love you daddy".
she is everything to me and even with her sleeping in her pack and play near me right now, i am excited to spend time with her tomorrow and tell her i love her.
she is also crawling and it terrifies me because i know walking is next...

i have fun news to share but i can't yet. i always love posting that shit because it puts some of you in such a frenzy to figure it out.
good night.
i realized today after the Donnie/Stosh car scene that i have really gotten a lot of the contents of the blood packet into my throat...
you see the problem is i have to hold the blood packet deep into my right cheek so by the time we get through the scene with all of the dialogue, i have amassed a pretty sizeable amount of spit in my mouth; so by the time i break the packet, it mixes with my saliva and runs pretty freely down my throat.
the worst part is i have no idea what's in the packet. i assume it's some sort of corn syrup with some sort of food coloring, but it tastes pretty much how it looks. it tastes "dark and red".
so if i figure that if about a teaspoon of "blood" goes into one of those packets, and if 6 teaspoons equals 1 fluid ounce, and if 33 fluid ounces equal 1 liter...that means that after about six months in the show (about 200 shows), i essentially am drinking half of a 2 liter bottle of soda that you would buy at the store...but filled with stage blood.
i should find out exactly what the hell is going into my system.
i am horrible at blogging nowadays. but i also sleep a whole hell of a lot less and am working my ass off...so sorry about that but i guess it is what it is.
i don't think i can (or will) promise to do better at blogging.
but i'll try, i promise (i'm lying).
the Chicago company celebrated their 1,000th show last week. that is 1,000 shows since the first public performance that the cast made back in San Fransisco when it opened there after the first national cast left for LA and before they moved onto Chicago.
what an amazing experience i have had being able to celebrate all these milestones with all of these different companies i have been a part of.
it's also amazing to me that i have been a part of three different companies with this show. Tour, Broadway and now Chicago; all so similar and yet completely different. I'd really like to do a show in Vegas so I can say I have done every North American company...
...or they can just send me to Australia for a few weeks.
at intermission, everyone pretty much hangs out in the wardrobe room. not only because the wardrobe staff is freaking awesome, but because there is always so much junk food to eat.
today there were brownies, three different bags of chips/crackers and a birthday cake.
it's like a damn pot luck 8 shows a week and i can't stop eating...!
yet i have lost over 10 pounds.
so should i have more cake?
i hated living in NYC but i can't tell you how badly i miss that city right now. i miss my friends in the Broadway cast so much and i want to see them right now. i miss going to a broadway show. i miss the really good halal cart on 56th and 6th. i even miss the subway a little bit.
a few weeks ago i went with some cast members to this place called Stanley's Kitchen & Tap for a few drinks and, more importantly, for LIVE BAND KARAOKE!!!
they have an amazing live band, and as you would sign up at any other bar to sing for a crowd, you do it with a live band and it's unreal. i want to go back soon because i have not stopped thinking about how much fun i had.
i sang "Baba O' Riley" by The Who and "Everlong" from Foo Fighters and it made me feel just like i used to feel when i sang with my band back in college...
did any of you reading this knew i was in a band for seven years or that i recorded six albums with them...?
anyway - here's me singing The Who song - please excuse the poor video/sound quality:
my daughter is the most adorable baby in the entire world. i look at her and i can't stop smiling. all i want to do is make her laugh and make stupid faces at her and for her to think her daddy is the silliest daddy in the world.
i go outside to do an errand for a few minutes and i walk back in the room and she turns her head to look at me and starts grinning from ear to ear and repeats the babbling of words, "ha da, da da, da da" - which obviously means "hello daddy! look it's daddy! i love you daddy".
she is everything to me and even with her sleeping in her pack and play near me right now, i am excited to spend time with her tomorrow and tell her i love her.
she is also crawling and it terrifies me because i know walking is next...

i have fun news to share but i can't yet. i always love posting that shit because it puts some of you in such a frenzy to figure it out.
good night.