Thursday, November 16, 2006

First Open Rehearsal (Nov.16)

i am going to start this simply by stating i am so tired.

tired of packing. tired of stressing about traveling to San Fran. tired of spending stupid money on food in New York...

...tired of complaining about it.

so short blog tonight:

today, we performed at an invited rehearsal to about 40 people, including two of our producers at the Dodgers (Michael David and Lauren Mitchell), Rick Elice and Marshall Brickman (the book writers), and John Lloyd Young (Frankie Valli in the Broadway cast). we received a very warm reception from them and i can't tell you how nice it was to get applause and laughs...and to feel the energy that they were giving off. even Sarah was able to attend and it was great seeing her smile at me when i could catch her glance.

tomorrow, about 40 more people are coming along with most of the Broadway cast. it's going to be nice...getting our send off with them there cheering us on. kind of a last "we are behind you" as we head West.

so tomorrow, we end rehearsal at 3pm, i pack up the car with Sarah and Toby the Dog, and we start the 10 hour drive back to Michigan (to check on the storage unit and give the parents a last hug), and 12:32pm my flight for San Fran takes off.

so bloggers, i probably won't write again until i am in San Fran (sorry Audrey)...with a slight case of jet lag and definitely a beer or two in me.

lastly, i just want to give a shout out to my parents, Howard and Karen, and Margo and Jeff. i love that i have been able to keep in touch with them easier through this and i thank them all for their constant support and unreal enthusiasm for everything i am doing. it is nice to have parents that support their children who are involved in the arts (not the easiest job to pursue) - and though it looks like they won't be able to attend opening night (can i PLEASE have some tickets), i thank them for everything and wish they could be there every night...

...also, my step mom Karen, makes the BEST desserts, and maybe now she will send me to San Fran with some delicious peanut butter squares!

wish me and all my cast mates and company safe travels. see you in California.


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